Friday, March 18, 2005

First Doctor Check Up

A lot of things happened in the last few days.

On Wednesday, we were supposed to go to the circus which was in town, but Dom came down with a murdurous migrane that had her in bed at 6pm. After making dinner, she started to have morning sickness (at night) that was pretty bad and we ended up visiting the bathroom about seven times. The next day, the Dr. had us come into the office to check that the baby was ok and everything was good to go. It was merely a health checkup and she answered all of our questions and spent time going over diet and possible remedies for the morning sickness. Everything is good to go and we are 9 weeks 3 days in.

Our first real pre-natal appointment is Thursday when we will have a sonogram, hear the heartbeat, and all that other good stuff so we are really looking forward to that!

Dom is waiting for the bloodwork to get back from the hospital so she will be cleared to teach in her classroom again. Right now, she is subbing for a fifth grade class in another school in the district. To say the least, she misses her kids and teaching them and can't wait to get the results back. Once they clear her with the Fifth's disease, then she can go into the class again.

On a side note, on the way back from the Doctors, we stopped at McDonalds to have a cheeseburger and my filling fell out of the back of my tooth. I had to go the dentist to get that filled and was talking like Stallone for most of last night. Between Dom's morning sickness and my drooling, we made quite a pair!

Dom went to work fine today and she seems to have recovered from the incident Wednesday night. She is a trooper and this baby is SO lucky to have her for a mother.

Thanks for all of your prayers!


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