12 Weeks!
Ok, so we are a third of the way through.
Dom has put on about 5 pounds. I have put on 15.
Is that supposed to be right? It seems to me that the man develops his paunch at the first pregnancy, not at marriage. This is why:
1. I get stressed out about the pregnancy. Will I be a good father? Will I make the right decisions? Are all my chromosomes in good shape and did they get there?
So I eat.
2. Dom wants food. All the time. To keep down the naseau it is good that she eats, however we are not home a lot because of our ministry at the church and our jobs. So we stop at fast food. I may not be hungry, but I am there.
So I eat.
3. Dom is eating and starts to smell something she doesn't like, so she gets sick. She has a plate full of food left.
So I eat.
4. I go shopping for food. I buy as much healthy stuff as I can. But then I wander into the chip aisle and there is soda, beer, chips...
So I eat.
The end result is that I am showing more than Dom is.
So I am now changing my rule:
1. When I get stressed out I run. It may be in place, it may look stupid, it may be sweaty, but I am going to try to substitute physical activity for eating in stressful situations.
2. When Dom eats, I won't unless it is meal time, and I will only eat what I can fit on the FIRST LAYER of the dinner plate. (You can fit a lot on a dinner plate by simply piling it in layers.)
3. If Dom gets sick and can't eat a meal... it goes in storage for later.
4. I will only buy what I will consume at a meal. And I will only drink water. And coffee.
I am on a new plan...
28 weeks: 28 pounds lost!
With this new plan, I pretty much figure to train myself for the endurance challenge that is children.
fairly realistic and admirable but you may need to do more than run in place while on hold at Kids-R-Us....
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