Tuesday, April 12, 2005

12 Weeks!

Ok, so we are a third of the way through.

Dom has put on about 5 pounds. I have put on 15.

Is that supposed to be right? It seems to me that the man develops his paunch at the first pregnancy, not at marriage. This is why:

1. I get stressed out about the pregnancy. Will I be a good father? Will I make the right decisions? Are all my chromosomes in good shape and did they get there?

So I eat.

2. Dom wants food. All the time. To keep down the naseau it is good that she eats, however we are not home a lot because of our ministry at the church and our jobs. So we stop at fast food. I may not be hungry, but I am there.

So I eat.

3. Dom is eating and starts to smell something she doesn't like, so she gets sick. She has a plate full of food left.

So I eat.

4. I go shopping for food. I buy as much healthy stuff as I can. But then I wander into the chip aisle and there is soda, beer, chips...

So I eat.

The end result is that I am showing more than Dom is.


So I am now changing my rule:

1. When I get stressed out I run. It may be in place, it may look stupid, it may be sweaty, but I am going to try to substitute physical activity for eating in stressful situations.

2. When Dom eats, I won't unless it is meal time, and I will only eat what I can fit on the FIRST LAYER of the dinner plate. (You can fit a lot on a dinner plate by simply piling it in layers.)

3. If Dom gets sick and can't eat a meal... it goes in storage for later.

4. I will only buy what I will consume at a meal. And I will only drink water. And coffee.

I am on a new plan...

28 weeks: 28 pounds lost!

With this new plan, I pretty much figure to train myself for the endurance challenge that is children.


At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fairly realistic and admirable but you may need to do more than run in place while on hold at Kids-R-Us....


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