Friday, April 01, 2005

A Side Effect

Interesting to note that this pregnancy, at least for us, has caused us to start praying together a lot more. Honestly, it was a struggle for us before the pregnancy because we tended to get busier and busier and in the end you shrug off even that which is dearest to your heart in order to sacrifice for "the greater good."

This week we have been taking time to pause before we go to bed and go through this prayer book that Dominique received for her birthday. In it there are prayers for most every situation a mother would find and we say the prayers that apply: marriage, safe pregnancy, etc. Even though our commitment to this has been small at this point, it is one of my favorite parts of the day.

It's amazing the balance we have to strike as humans in our lives. In order to thrive, we must be balanced in our lives, which leads to success in one area, which leads us out of our balance. Almost the same circle that the Israelites found themselves in thousands of years ago.

How many times do we have to refocus ourselves to what is really important? How many times does God have to gently call us back to His heart? Seventy times seven apparently.


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